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Warrior Women

Writer: Julia RoumanisJulia Roumanis

Two weeks ago I attended the first ever Warrior Women Convention. The sister program to Wake Up Warrior created by Garrett J. White. I have had the pleasure of training with Garrett in our Natural Beaded Rows mastermind group called BMS. He has been implementing Wake Up Warrior practices with us for the last 18 months.  What is Wake Up Warrior? Well, I’m so glad you asked. It is a program specifically designed for men to create their Have-It-All lifestyle. Focusing on 4 core areas of  your life. Body, Being (mind), Balance (relationship with spouse, family, kids, and self), and Business.  Before BMS, Garrett had never taught women the tools he used for Wake Up Warrior. When he started to see a group of predominantly female hair stylists rise in their own lives after using these tactics from Wake Up Warrior it dawned on him…. this shit is not just for men. This is a movement to level up any human ready and willing to rise.  Truthfully, I did not know what to expect from this convention but I knew I had to be there. As I sat there in a room with 300+ other women I immediately could feel it fill with emotions. Each of us with our own stories, challenges, and reasons for being there. To get the most out of the experience, it required you to be vulnerable. It was not easy, imagine stripping down and staring at yourself in a mirror for 3 days, for 12 hours at a time…. in front of 300+ people. Um yeah, not easy! Oh yeah, this mirror isn’t  just a reflection of your physical self, it also revealed your inner self, too. Reflecting your thoughts, feelings, fears, and lies. I had taken a deep dive into dark corners of myself I didn’t even know existed. Tapping into  anger I had never released, fears that held me back, pain of my past, and lies I have told myself for years. Everyday I felt like I had been hit by an emotional MACK truck and left the room asking myself “what just happened?”….better yet, “WTF?!”. After all the deep diving I felt light. I have a better sense of self. For the first time I was forced to look at myself unfiltered and I discovered myself. So let me tell you about some of the golden nuggets I took away from this event. First, we got in touch with our reality. Not the reality that lives inside our heads, but truthfully where are you at currently in your core 4? Is there an area that is lacking? Are they all lacking? What are the facts about your life? Struggling to pay the bills? Loosing the connection to your partner? Don’t have quality time with your kids? Having to journal about my current reality of where I’m at in my core 4 was very emotional. There is something very powerful about writing things down rather than just thinking about them. I started writing about things that when left in my mind, I was able to push to the back and forget. When prompted to write about these things, they were impossible to ignore. It’s vital to know the facts about your reality in order to create your best life. After getting in touch with our facts came the fun part for myself, which was journaling about the life you wanted to create. From this vision you can extract your goals.  Once you have both of those figured out (reality and goals/best life) we called this our road map. Each of our road maps had a gap. The gap is the space between your reality and the life you want. Then came the questions of “Who do you have to be?”,  “What do you need to learn?”, and  “What do you have to do/ practice?” to close this gap. When those hard hitting questions came at me it was like a bomb went off in my head. My mind had been blown. Well dang, I had never thought about all that before.  Those insightful questions made my goals look overwhelming. I was always told my goals should scare me but I never thought about who I would have to become to achieve them. That is when I became anxious. This gap shines light on the areas you need to develop in order to grow into the person you have to be to achieve your goals. Goals are great, but that is just the beginning. The real work come after you figure out what the hell you want. Thinking about it made me a little sweaty. My head is saying “OMG, how the hell am I going to do this?”. What I learned was filling the gap isn’t about having the blueprint or all the answers. Then we were introduced to the Core 4 systems WW uses to help move you in the right direction. Never have I been introduced to how you can tactically start your day to set yourself up for a successful day and move in the direction of being the person I wrote about to achieve my goals. Garret calls this “weaponizing yourself”. I never thought about having to be weaponized to protect myself and my mindset to become a producer of my day. But now, I can’t imagine not starting my day this way. The difference between a producer and a pretender is that a producer is being a problem solver. Producers are able to be thrown curve balls in life and change their course without missing a beat. They show up to life with a plan, all while knowing that plan will change a million times over…. and that’s ok!  Now anyone that knows me, knows that I am a planner! I LOOOOVE me a plan. I use to lose my mind when things didn’t go as planned. I can remember growing up and my father telling me to be more patient when things didn’t  go as planned. I never quite understood what he meant. Now, I get it. Even the solution can be messy. You will not always know the answer. Sometimes it’s about taking another path or trying something different just to learn that isn’t the way. Even in the failures you find answers. I now practice being ok with not having all the answers. How do you weaponize yourself? A morning routine. A strong morning routine that includes your core 4. Body: Daily exercise and healthy fuel to start your day. Getting the blood flowing and pumping will help awaken your body. Ensure you won’t crash by fueling yourself with clean food. As warrior women a green smoothie is our go to. Being (Mind): This is different for everyone. If you are religious it could be prayer or a devotion. For myself it’s mediation and journaling. Releasing my thoughts and feelings help me start my day with intention. Mediation gives me clarity, focus, and helps me to be more patient. Balance (Partner, Family, Kids): Write a loved one a message, send them a text, or a voice memo. Let someone special to you know how much they mean to you. This includes yourself. Positive affirmations is a part of self care. Love yourself! Business: Study one aspect of your business you need to develop more. It could be a podcast, reading a book, studying taxes, learning about marketing. Whatever you need to grow in your professional life devote 15-20 minutes each day to develop that skillset.  Some mornings take longer than others to complete my morning routine. One thing is for sure, when I take the time to cover ALL 4 aspects of my life I start my day feeling powerful. I have noticed a difference in the flow of my day. It truly prepares me to create a successful and productive day. A successful life is just one successful day after another. As a member of the NBR tribe, I have already been implementing a lot of these tools for quite some time. I feel connected to each of the women that came in, let their guard down, was vulnerable, and chose to empower themselves. I’m proud to be apart of this movement of rising women. Each one of us taking home a new sense of self, power, and truth that will positively impact the lives we touch each day. Hopefully inspiring others to expand and grow.

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